DAY 52

Spend two minutes contemplating each affirmation. If any one of the five affirmations appeals to you more than another, you may spend more time centering on that one.

The following ideas will be reviewed today:


What upsets and seems to threaten the state of Perfect Primordial Calmness, is not really present. It is not there, here, or anywhere. What I see then is a distorted subconscious, subjective mind fragment that is intruding upon Radical Right Perception of True Reality consisting of Eternal Spirit, Energy, and Cosmic Causal Thought. What I see is just a mirage in the desert my private mind made, a massive hallucination and egoic mind projection out onto the movie screen, the world of multiplicity, called prakriti. The emotionally charged distortions are part of a reactive process, a programmed response to what my ego thinks is going to cause pain, suffering, and annihilation of it.


What is truly Real cannot cause me to have nightmares. Nor can it have any power over me to cause me to be in turmoil or suffering of any kind. The Truly Real brings only Shanti-Peace. In the moments of absent-mindedness, when I am in some kind of self-made turmoil or suffering, it is because I have substituted Reality with avidya-illusions that I concocted. Those avidya-illusions have caused me suffering and anxiety because I have tried to make them real, and thus regard True Reality as illusory and without the essence of Ananda-Bliss which belongs to it. Not a single thing in the fullness of Father-Mother’s creation is affected by this delusion I have made. I need to accept and be in Divine-Realization that I come to be upset by something that doesn’t exist.


Out of all the possible things to perceive, I see only a privatized, fragmented past. I have flashbacks that scramble and confuse my orientation to True Reality.


Mental visions and interpretations of the past in the form of memories, flash backs, emotional and visceral highly charged associations/experiences cloud Radical Right Perception and Divine Realization from revealing True Reality of Communion with God Mind through Christ Mind to me. In seeing only the past projected out onto the screen of my life, I experience the split-mind. It is because of these factors that the immediacy of the present moment in the form of God Revealed Holy Instants outside of space-time, dissolves the past from having any major importance in my attempts to see True Reality. However the past experienced mind-fragments, dissociations, forgetfulness, time spent out of alignment with God Mind severely impacts the quality of seeing and the ability to see that I have always been in perfect Primordial First Right Relationship or in Christ Mind Yoga-Union with the Divine Dreamer.


Nothing that I see means anything because I superimpose past mental structures and thought out onto other people, onto the Unified God Allness, and onto events and happenings.


In seeing projections, mind fluctuations, and thoughts of the past almost everywhere I look, I alone have given/ascribed all the meaning that my subjective mind has determined any given encounter should have.


I don’t comprehend what I think I am seeing now, because of the interference of past programmed thinking, that I have projected onto all things. What I see and encounter now in most instances isn’t True Witnessed Reality undistorted. My thoughts about the world and my place in it do not mean anything because events in the psychologically constructed time function are neutral and devoid of any meaning. Because of this I am never truly disturbed.


All emotional uprisings the inner tidal waves of reactivity that surface within my body-mind-vehicle-chariot housing my unscathed soul, stem from the idea that the phantasms I project impede clear-seeing, creating inner havoc instead of inner peace.

No matter where in this dream world I look, what I think I see, I try to sabotage, judge, or punish with my private thoughts and I have the audacity to claim that this is what true seeing is. I use the past to persecute almost everyone through my thoughts and the use of words or actions that stem from those thoughts, thus making them into my rivals and foes. If I could but forgive first myself and honestly embrace the remembrance of my True Christed Self, I would be a vessel of healing, sending out magnetic vibrations consisting of blessings, consecrating everyone and everything my eyes gaze upon. If this could be so, there would be absolutely no remembered hurts, pain stored in the body-mind, or resentments that my egoic-ahamkar tries convincing me happened in the past. And so I choose again. Looking out with a loving heart-mind matrix on everything that I was blinded from previous to this Holy Instant of Now, where a miracle healed my perception and gave me clear-seeing clairvoyance.


What I habitually see or perceive is something that is not really present right now. It is a mirage in the desert wilderness of the storehouse or matrix from which I was begotten to create in. I chose this misperception about the invention of time as something that is real instead of taking part in the Divine Dreaming-Cosmic-Play of Creation-forces like I was meant to throughout eternity.


What I see are mind fragments and emotions attached to memories experienced biologically in the limbic system of the ego created body’s brain, that I chose to project outwards into the space-time continuum matrix, where manifested forms begin to appear through quantum phenomena of consciousness.


The apparitions or ghosts I project onto the Reality Light-Continuum called the Unified Field of God Essence, are not real. They are hallucinations of my ego mind, that aspect I experience when I forget Edenic Bliss as a constant Reality, the only Reality. When I fall into hypnotic trances of maya, relativity, subjectivity, I get tangled in a web of lies that I believe are true. Past points of reference cloud my seeing, because I am obsessed by them. Mental restlessness is the result of my preoccupation with the past. The resulting mental fluctuations called ‘vrittis’, or whirlpools of energetic pulsations in the form of feeling are the agents of massive perceptual distortion.


Why do I insist on seeing only my individual, false-self’s thoughts? Why do I want to see what I think happened in a distant past, but really did not in truth and actuality. No wonder I cannot interpret what I think I see as it really is, untainted. I take this moment to remind myself that I attach myself to what I call the haunting memories of the past to block the Ananda-Bliss and Shanti-Peace of the Now from rising up as a new dawn in my mind. I need to accept that my false-self has been trying to use the construct of time as a weapon against the Divine Source of All-That-Is. Beginning now, I surrender what I have called the past for all these years, and let it be healed, then dissolved into dust then nothingness. I now realize, that in doing this, I am not losing anything, rather I am liberated from the karmic burden I have been carrying for far too long.


I have created many obstacles and blocks to clear seeing in this moment through the wrong use of brain faculties and the self-constructed personality that fails to see the True Reality in its naked beauty, wonder, fullness of Radiant Perfection, the Allness made Manifest. The lens and window to Inner Seeing is obstructed by haunting thought imprints that I haven’t surrendered, released, nor been self-delivered from the subconsciously entrenched phantoms of past neurotic-skeletons-in-the-closet guilt. Guilt, bias, and pre-conceived judgment-notions along with patterns of reactivity stemming from ingrained neural grooves, cloud my ability to be present Here and Now.


If I fail to see True Reality in its naked beauty, wonder, fullness of Radiant Perfection, the Allness made Manifest in the formlessness of Light, Endless Love, Ananda-Bliss, Shanti-Peace, and Pure Potentiality, I must admit that I do not see anything at all. My only function is to see what is right Now. I accept that there is not a choice to interpret what I thought occurred in moments past or in that of the present, but rather, the only choice there is, is whether to see Truth or to see what is false, or avidya-illusions. That of which I have chosen to interpret in my brain-mind faculties has “sacrificed” Christed Vision. And so right now, in this Holy Instant, in conscious Yoga-Union and Communion with God Mind, I choose differently, so that I can see only the good, the holy, and the beautiful.


DAY 10
The pulsations of quantum energy and information, the building blocks of thought, heard in the brain-mind field, that take on many degrees of intensity and whirl at all kinds of speeds, colors, affects, moods, and qualities of dark, light, and admixed energies are devoid of meaning due to the fact that they are neutral. My mind is a blank slate that experiences fluctuations of chitta-mind stuff or vritti-feeling, but it still is a fact that I have a mind aligned with stillness, with the zero point of total neutrality in the Holy Instant of now. I am awareness not identified with thought nor with what arises in the mind, pretending to be significant, dramatic, spectacular, and intensely distracting and disturbing. Thoughts do not control me, nor the substance behind them. Within the perfect stillness I am immune to misery making and liberated from suffering. Affirming this reality and mind science I form the basis for Radical Right Awareness, attention to the Primordial State of Oneness, and open to the flow of Bliss-Peace nectar of Heaven within perfect silence.


I am only aware of privatized, individual thoughts though I have no privatized, isolated thoughts. My only Real Thoughts are ones I have in alignment with my Source. Perfect Peace and Oneness allows me to think only with the Blissful Thoughts of Divine Mind and the identity I share with all brothers and sisters in the Christ Mind. My individual thought forms and their vibrational frequencies mean nothing because they are not real in comparison to the Causal-Ideational Thoughts I think with my Supernal Parents. Subjective whirlpools of thought current and fluctuations within my individual, private, split mind are not real because they do not come from the Primordial Formless Light of Divinity.