Forgiveness – A Gift That is Always Justified

Going through the text of the Completed and Annotated Edition of A Course in Miracles with the year-long reading program from the Circle of Atonement in their Course Companions program, I just read the retitled section “Forgiveness is Always Justified” which was called “The Justification For Forgiveness” in the Foundation for Inner Peace Editions. I like the new title, but they both connote the same thing.

I don’t think I have mentioned this before, but it took me more than fifteen years to read through the Text of ACIM in the FIP edition. I finished that, two January’s ago. Last June, I started the CE Edition which Circle of Atonement founder Robert Perry was the lead editor of along with other teachers from the Circle. I started that Text which has a lot of new material that was taken down in Helen Shuchman’s notes originally before they were edited out of what became the FIP Edition. Most of that material is in the first seven chapters.

I wanted to comment on Text Chapter 30 (“The New Beginning”), Section Six, “Forgiveness is Always Justified”, as I mentioned above. In this material is the classic rollout of ACIM-based forgiveness where we are called to pardon our brothers and sisters no matter what the circumstances so as to offer them a miracle and thus heal them of any guilt they might have felt over seeming to attack us. The section starts out by saying that “Anger is never justified. Anger has no foundation (1.1-2).” If what the author of the Course is saying is to be taken as true, then we have some major shifts to undergo in our interpersonal dealings with others.

When we feel attacked, we feel as if the other person should pay or that we should imprison them. But, we as spiritual people, tell ourselves “We need to forgive. We need to love so I can ascend or become more holy, even though you did something wrong and I am letting you off the hook for it.” This, the author of the Course says is not real forgiveness. Its as if, as Robert Perry said in his commentary on this section, we forgive through “gritted-teeth”, and with questionable willingness. Our motives under these conditions are not really about releasing the other person from something we thought they did to us, but trying to make an “error” we think they did to us “real” and try to pardon it. But what the author of the Course is trying to do in getting us to shift our perception about what ‘true forgiveness’ is, is to look at the supposed ‘sin’ they committed, then see that is wasn’t a ‘sin’ at all, and then even more, to look on a brother as innocent of any and all crimes we could have thought were perpetrated against us.

In the Course’s teachings on forgiveness, we are not just letting a person off the hook for something we thought they really did because we think it is the right thing to do. We are looking through “True Perception” and seeing that we could not be attacked and that we are called to pardon, what in actuality, never happened at all to us. How can this be so? Because according to the author, we were never harmed in the process of what may have looked like attack, therefore, anger is, as we mentioned earlier, never justified. Our only true response is to look upon the one we thought hurt us (tried to), and see that they are still innocent and there was no attack. I’ve heard people in Course circles call this “Quantum Forgiveness”.

What we are really doing under these pretenses, is healing the person who appeared to have attacked us of their guilt over the choice they made to try and hurt us. We all carry primal guilt over the first error, of trying to attack God when He didn’t respond to our request to seek special favor from him (to be elevated above others who He created). The guilt we feel when we attack another (though it may be repressed), is really the guilt we feel from having repeatedly rejected the Divine. Hence, when we judge, attack, or blame, we are in effect, really hurting ourselves, not the other person. So, we as the attacker, therefore need a miracle to be healed and released from guilt. This is where our brother or sister in spirit becomes our “savior”.

When we feel attacked, we are told by the author to say: “I thank you, Father, for Your perfect Son, and in his glory will I see my own.” By pardoning or forgiving, and seeing the glory and perfection of our brother or sister in spirit, we are seeing the Father’s glory in us. This is a remedy for sickness and distress, pain and guilt we carry around with us. It’s a hard thing to employ, but when we do, we both heal and are healed.


DAY 45

The causal, ideational thoughts of God Presence are my real thoughts. From the Mind of this Divine Source comes all Truth, Love, Light, Blessings, Magnetism, Peace, Joy, Ananda-Bliss, and Santosha-Contentment.



What I think is real, is not. What God Mind thinks through me is. When I am thinking truly, I am extending the emanations of causal God Thought because thoughts leave not their Source. Since I am One with the Mind Field of Divinity, my real thoughts are His/Hers. And Since God Mind Presence is in my mind, what I think in alignment with His/Hers are the Supernal Parents’ thoughts as well. Today, I will contemplate the nature of Radical Right Thought. Original Thought, with an awakened, beginner’s mind. Quiet and free. Still and serene.


In seeking the real and letting the Vibratory Memory of God in my mind, the Holy Spirit Cosmic Intelligence, I will distinguish the True from the false. The Real from the unreal. As I did yesterday, I will engage the mind and spirit for three five-minute sittings. I will actively deny the world of form choosing only Objective, Witnessed Truth. The world will not restrict me this day. All the ingrained programming that I have allowed to penetrate my individual mind will not take residence in me, the thought waves and ego-ahamkar scripts that have told me that God Mind Presence’s aspirations for me extending from the projected light beam from the booth outside of time are not feasible, nor possible. I will expose this falsity. I am in Divinity. Divinity is in me. All things are possible, because when I think in accordance with the Divine’s Will and Thoughts of Eternity, nothing can stop me from awakening to His/Her plan for me.



Today, I also contemplate that what Divine Presence would have me do, is what I truly desire deep within and that I cannot fail to accomplish what my Supernal Parent would have me do while in this physical body, animated by the astral energy body. It is my Father-Mother’s Will that I succeed in every way, this day and everyday.

I will chant or recite today’s mantra with my eyes closed. Centering on today’s main idea I will think of individual thoughts that are relevant to the uncovering of false thinking, to be redefined by Truth. I will call to mind the idea that I will decide differently, not with my ego-ahamkar thoughts, but with God’s. Adding some four or five individual thoughts to the idea I am centering on for today, I with compassion and openness will say:


“Real and True thoughts are in my mind. I commit to finding them now.”


Then I will use willpower to bypass all false thoughts that hide truth and eternity from me.

Under all the insane, sick, guilty, tormenting, self-punishing, misguided thoughts and ideations which have clouded my mind are the very thoughts I thought with Divine Presence in the Primordial Matrix of True, Original Creation. They are there now and always have been. Everything I have thought since the separation-alienation seemed to occur will change. The ideations of God in my mind will not change, because they are changeless.


Today my individual mind that appears to exist will dissolve in conscious Oneness with God. I will realize that I do not have a separate mind with which to think apart from the Divine Mind. I approach this contemplation and chanting with reverence to the altar of Heavenly Bliss dedicating myself to God as Father/Mother and to Christ, God the Son. This is the realm I am attempting to find through my wholeness and sanctity. The Kingdom of Heaven and the many mansions of the Divine.



In shorter chanting and centering I will call to mind my wholeness and sanctity, trying to fathom the truth that I, in reality, think only with the Mind of God. I will spend time in these shorter sittings to focus on my mind’s wholeness and sanctity, its Oneness with God Mind. I will be grateful for the the Supernal Parent’s Thoughts being animated through me.



(Inspired by but not limited to A Course in Miracles Teachings (1st Edition), MindScience, New Thought, Metaphysics, Yogic Philosophy, Quantum Physics, Eastern Thought, and writings by Paramahansa Yogananda)


DAY 35


My mind is a part in the one holographic whole Mind of Brahman, the Father-Mother, the Dao, The Supreme Immortal, Undying, Unified Field of Divine Allness. My mind is whole and in Oneness with this Divine Mind.


Seeming to be in this world, my individual mind finds this hard to believe, as I appear to be bound to duality, to delusion, to a macabre of dancing shadow images that keep me prisoner to lack, victimhood, despair, anxiety, depression, and other forms of sickness, suffering, and indifference. My individual mind believes I am in this world because I do not believe my True Self Mind is One with God and Whole, rather that it is fragmented stemming from division.

Jeshua says that I will believe that I am part of where I think I am and that this is so because I surround myself with the environment I want, protecting the image made by the egoic-ahamkar principle. I tend to believe that I am in the world at the mercy of the images I made. But True Sight is not found through projecting and image making. This is the opposite of discrimination through Christhood Vision. Images are masks, prison doors, chains that bind. They do not see.

Today, in three five-minute sittings, I will consider a completely transformed concept of Self. My Source, Brahman Immortal, the Father-Mother Principle is what fortifies my True Identity and tells me who I really am. The focus of today’s contemplation is to meditate on myself as a True Seer or Self-Realized Perceiver, rather than on what I think I see or perceive with the body’s eyes and take in with the body’s manas blind sense-mind, the ego’s searchlights. It is my aim to scan the mind, with eyes closed searching for the various definitions I use to develop my individual self-image. It is pertinent that I include all attributes rooted in the individual self-image constructed by the egoic-ahamkar, whether I find them likable or the opposite, steeped in ideas of grandiosity or in self-belittlement. All the ideas about myself that my individual mind has invented are the same and have no basis in reality, though my thoughts have effects on what I perceive.

I vow not to get caught up on the negative perceptions I have of myself, though this will be a temptation and I will accept that some inflating ideas about who I think I am may cross my mind as I near the end of the mind searching. These are mere fantasies and that is all. They are not real.

One way to approach the mind searching is to say:


I see myself as sick. I see myself as insane. I see myself as a complete failure. I see myself at the mercy of a violent and deranged world. I see myself as a victim of outer circumstances. I see myself as moral. I see myself as right. I see myself as deprived. I see myself as proud. I see myself as successful.


After letting these beliefs pass by, recognizing the descriptive terms that relate to reactions I may have about them, I will affirm in my mind the Truth, after each illusion naming each illusion:


But my mind is a part in the one holographic whole Mind of Brahman, the Father-Mother, the Dao, The Supreme Immortal, Undying, Unified Field of Divine Allness. My mind is whole and in Oneness with this Divine Mind.


(Inspired by but not limited to A Course in Miracles Teachings (1st Edition), Mind Science, New Thought, Metaphysics, Yogic Philosophy, Quantum Physics, Eastern Thought, and writings by Paramahansa Yogananda)


DAY 34
It is my choice whether I see shanti (peace) in a state of calmness or through chaos, distress, restlessness, or any form of perceived mental or physical agony, and so I choose shanti-peace instead.

Today’s premise states that there is always another way of looking at things I think I see, whether in my mind, or in the projected external world. Shanti-Peace has everything to do with my internal state. Is it in equilibrium or even-mindedness or is it in a state of internal havoc and mayhem? This is the question I must ask. If my mind is at peace, then such an interpretation of the world arises as well.

Since God is in my mind and shanti-peace comes from God Mind, this Loving Source must bring peace to my mind. It is not something I have to strive for. I need but be present to it. Aware of it. Overcome by it. Today I am taking steps to continue to remove blocks to the awareness of Love. I stand as an observer, outside of dis-ease, distress, chaos, and mental agony of all kinds. It is up to me, rather, I can choose the way I will see today.

Today I come to the realization that the state of shanti-peace doesn’t start outside me. It begins internally. This is the ultimate recognition in my ongoing awakening. Shanti paves the way for joy and for bliss to enter into my mind field. I choose, now to be One with the Unified Field of God Mind, that infinite reservoir and ocean of bliss. In the temple of silence and in the temple of Bliss, I reign supreme, in at-one-ment with the ocean of Wholeness and Completeness. I am much more than an individual mind-wave in the ocean of Fullness. Shanti-peace, which brings the rising tide of Joy Supreme and Bliss Unending is not only possible, but a necessity if I am to see things as they truly are. Neutral and holy. I choose to perceive shanti-peace, so that all things appear to shine with the Light of Samadhi-Oneness and reside in God Communion and Yoga-Union. The awareness and Divine Realization of Paradise is God Mind’s gift to me. I openly accept it and maximize its derived benefits in having a whole new perspective on what I see inside and outside of my mind.

Today I will engage in three longer contemplative sittings. One in the morning and evening and at any point throughout the day. I will do this with eyes closed. I will search the mind for fearful thoughts, anxious ruminations, personalities that seem to offend me or events I think cause me distress. I will say the following slowly and calmly:

‘It is my choice whether I see shanti (peace) in a state of calmness in this situation or I can see through chaos, distress, restlessness, or any form of perceived mental or physical agony, and so I choose shanti-peace instead. I can replace my fluctuating feelings and emotions of depression, anxiety, endless rumination and worry {or my thoughts about this occurrence, happening, personality I am clashing with or this event} with shanti-peace.’


(Inspired by but not limited to A Course in Miracles Teachings (1st Edition), Mind Science, New Thought, Metaphysics, Yogic Philosophy, Quantum Physics, Eastern Thought, and writings by Paramahansa Yogananda)



DAY 22

The images and thoughts of which I interpret to mean something with a negatively charged vibration are really an assault on the little self I call ‘me’. When I identify with an individual, separate, different from others self, I perceive and interpret the world to be an attack on my egoic (ahamkar) false-self. I am not an individual self. I am part of One Whole Unified Field of Love and Light.


When I believe I am an individual personality self instead of the Son/Daughter of God, the True Self Christ and Atman, I am assaulting myself with unconscious fragments and slivers of false thought. When I deny assault in my individual mind, I use the egoic film projector to create and interpret that very assault as coming from an outside world, disowning it. My response is to enshroud myself in a bubble of protection from that world and attack and assault it, my brothers and sisters in spirit, and all of which I seem to perceive. I get caught in the vicious cycle of the egoic-ahamkar manifestation of drama comprised of conflict, where I seem to see assault and attack and then feel the intense need to counter attack. This will continue to happen until I liberate my mind through Jnana Yogic discrimination. Using the buddhi-intellect, I deny the manas-sense-mind from taking control of what I interpret to be a hostile reality, that in truth is an illusion. I must and can escape from my ingrained perceptual hoax, the carnal, savage movie I out-picture as a world filmstrip, with attached sound, tainted light beams, moving images, a script, sets, props, tragedies and comedies at the expense of truth, and actors and actresses, who I think are making independent choices, when in reality I am making them up from the one ahamkar-ego that is appearing as a multiplicity of egos.


The dance of illusions known as maya, the hypnosis, is something I seemed to make, trying to hide from and rebel against the very God Mind I thought was out to seek vengeance on me, trying to convince myself that I am unlovable and the Divine, Supreme, Indestructible Spirit Mind, Brahman, Father-Mother is out to punish me for something I thought I did, which never happened. What I fear I want to assault and kill. What I fear is a call for Love. What I fear does not exist. Only Love makes up the fabric of what is Truly Real. I am unaware of what I do at many times while on this earth stage living out a script that has an ending, when in Reality, the True Self, Christ Self, could never end. It is eternal and immortal. I cannot perish. Not ever.


Today I will change my thoughts to change the world I see. For a minimum of five times this day, I will gaze at the world I have surrounded myself with for a minute. Moving my eyes from one object to other ones, or from one physical, dense body to another, I will verbally say:


“What I see has an ending and will perish, so it has no reality. I am just perceiving a form of thought assault on myself.”


Following each practice period, I should contemplate whether or not this is what I want to perceive. I must be convicted in knowing the answer to this, that no, I would not.


(Inspired by but not limited to A Course in Miracles Teachings (1st Edition), Mind Science, New Thought, Metaphysics, Yogic Philosophy, Quantum Physics, Eastern Thought, and writings by Paramahansa Yogananda)